The strategy is simple ... play Christian McCaffrey; win all the money. Every week. He did it again. Like he does every week. He just gets it done. Christian McCaffrey is a machine. A robot. A man among boys. All the cliches. They all apply here. You're not getting away from him. Even at the $10.5K price tag this week on DraftKings. He's a lock every week at this point until he reaches Russell Westrbook and James Harden price territory -- shouts to all the NBA DFSers out there ... you know what I'm talking about. This weekend against the Packers is no different. They've seemed to have given up on trying to defend the run at all of late, and have been torched by backs throughout the season. McCaffrey's gotten insane amounts of work week in and week out, and there's no reason that we should believe it would change at all this week, even with him carrying an injury tag and getting in limited practices. He's their horse. A few years back, eve...

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